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Google Updates Robots.txt Policy


Hi all,

Google recently updated its policy regarding the robots.txt file, a key tool for webmasters to control search engine crawlers. This update clarifies that Google only supports four specific fields: user-agent, allow, disallow, and sitemap. Any other fields, such as the commonly used crawl-delay, will be ignored by Google's crawlers.

The change is designed to reduce confusion, as Google received frequent questions about unsupported directives in robots.txt. This policy update encourages site owners to review and audit their robots.txt files to ensure they don't rely on directives that Google doesn't recognize. Although other search engines may still support additional fields, such as crawl-delay, it's important to follow Google's guidelines to optimize how your site is crawled.

This shift also underscores the importance of staying up-to-date with Google's official documentation to avoid unexpected issues with site indexing and crawling. For more detailed information, Google's Search Central documentation provides extensive guidance on best practices.

By keeping your robots.txt file compliant with these updates, you can avoid misconfigurations that could impact your site's visibility in Google search results.

