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How long is the life of HDDs with a lot of traffic?


In my server is a SAMSUNG HD502IJ (500gb) and within 1 year I've had traffic over 100tb. I can not find out if there is a limit to writing / reading, what are your experiences with life expectancy?

The following question: If I replace them with SSDs, they have been written off for 1 year, is that ok?
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  • SSDs only have a certain number of writes, namely the "endurance". If you buy SSDs for a server then this is also one of the more important numbers to look at. Some SSDs have a few hundred TB endurance, other single petabytes, so 100TB will generally not be a problem, especially if that's also a part reads.
    That's what I've seen @"geniushost" , for example, the Crucial SSD 250gig is about 100TB endurance. So, you'll get on the more expensive Samsung 850 EVO PRO series, and here I have doubts about "Samsung is giving to the 850 EVO (75TB for 120 / 250GB and 150TB for 500GB / 1TB) "
    So I just like the old type of SATA I think ..
    @"attaway" Whether you take the older Samsung SM843T, those costs are not extremely high and have an endurance of 1.9 PBW (480G). Incidentally, you can also see what other SSDs achieve high endurance on Storage reviews. Whatever an option is to create a RAID array with discs of different brands.
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  • In my opinion, you can take the step from sata to sas 15k to me. If you want Enterprise SSDs that have a long endurance, then you'll have a nice budget, I'm afraid.

