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Massive cPanel price increase

cPanel has now changed its pricing structure from a per-server model to a per-account model. So, instead of paying $x per cPanel license for each server, you pay a different price depending on how many accounts you have on the server. You can see the various tiers on their site now: https://www.cpanel.net/pricing/—5 accounts, 30 accounts, 100 accounts + $0.20 per account over 100.

This is an exciting time for DirectAdmin. It should be able to gain some extra momentum and, because of this, get a boost of new customers.

Here is the cPanel Partners and Distributors FAQ :


Don't forget to share your opinion here: facebook.com/cpanel/reviews/
Their Facebook is going down and down. It was at 4.1 and now 3.3. their new pricing model is stupid! They should reconsider this.
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  • I understand prices have not increased in years but this increase is excessive and ridiculously unfair to partners. Shameful actions on the part of this once great company.

