Is virtual desktop hosting, the same as cloud hosting? What uses would you have for this type of cloud hosting service? And, who would gain the most benefit from it?
I was reading how 'virtual desktop hosting' is used to share information online in real time. So for instance, if you are part of the IT department for a big named computer company and helping to troubleshoot your client's computer, you could use a virtual desktop service to let them see what you are doing or to work on their computer.
This type of cloud based service is a good option for someone who has a seminar or university type website to conduct live teaching sessions? I would want to use this in conjunction to my regular website/forum so as to connect with those in the class.
In Virtual desktop hosting, a Desktop is hosted on the cloud. It can be accessed even through a web browser or an application. And it has real-time multi-session capability. It is highly useful for a workforce that is non-conventional and mobile. It'll help such an enterprise to help it's workforce to collaborate to generate, store and maintain/edit the data on the go. That is how Virtual Desktop Hosting works