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CloudFlare Error 1000


Hi guys,

I am having a problem that I do not know if it is on the side of CloudFlare or on the side of Web Hosting (cPanel). I have a site with WordPress and when I put the IP correctly in CF and the domain name pulls the following error.

Error 1000: DNS points to prohibited IP

I was looking in various forums through the web but I can not find the definitive solution. If you can give me a solution on how I can find out where the problem is, before migrating from hosting, this would be of great help.

I clarify that I have already read the CloudFlare documentation on this topic but I could not find or solve anything. Thank you very much.
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  • Have you checked that you have no problems with the IP that your provider provides you? that is, is it not pointed to another proxy by default?
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  • larryrush said:
    Have you checked that you have no problems with the IP that your provider provides you? that is, is it not pointed to another proxy by default?

    Confirmed, that was the problem. thank you larry i appreciate your help.

