Your requirement have nothing to do with the location. If you want to host porn, warez and stuff's like that then you have to get offshore hosting, means EU. If you are going to host porn and warez in an onshore hosting(USA, India) then your hosting account will be terminated.
Be careful about choosing hosting.
it doesn't matter where the hosting company is from. it is important where the server is located. if its located in the country your living in then you may get more speed
For something like free movies online or movie streaming, you should choose a European based host as an American host will shut you down fast for any copyright infringement.
You should take into consideration the laws that apply to these regions. But, from my experience, in Europe there are some very reliable hosts. Also, their services are more affordable and their technical staff and support is better.
Any location is good for onshore work but for offshore work you should go for EU or Russia
India don't have much speed so wait till they improve their speed
It depends on the type of the website you want to host. There is nothing related to location when it comes to hosting a website. So choose a wise hosting provider by checking their reputation and support. Good Luck!
Location does not matter as much these days as the networks and hardware are much better. But I would host where your main visitors are. You can also use a CDN.
Server location plays a vital part in providing your website visitors swift browsing experience. Having server location close to target audience results in faster redirection of an audience to your site.
I recommend you to always host your websites and applications closest to your target audience. The Cloudways Managed Cloud Hosting Platform offers you servers on the world’s most renowned infrastructure providers; DigitalOcean, Google, and Amazon. You can host your website on over a dozen unique locations on different continents.
Agree with everyone here saying that location isn't really that important. Support and reliability of the company is the most important. Check out some reviews of different companies online to see what aligns best with your website goals.
are you asking "company location"? I does not matter anymore.
But you should ask your "server location" ? It does matter.
First, decide your targeted country. For example, If you are targeting your keywords in India then you must buy "India based server location" web hosting. It is best for various aspects like boost, loading speed other things.
Always remember, server location is always important rather than company location.