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Ways to Overcome Bad Clients


Junior Member
If you are doing business, you will meet some clients who have always a bad mood. If they are unable to install any plugin they will blame you, if they mess with code, they will blame you. If you try to educate them, they find this offended.
How are you managing such clients?
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  • Have clear terms and conditions for your clients, have it clear during their order if the service is managed or unmanaged.

    If they are only paying for an unmanaged service make it clear you are not responsible for everything outline what you cover and do not, if they want something you do not cover as standard there is a fee (if you want to cover it) if not advise them to source a system admin to do the task for them.

    Have clear information that clients and staff will at all times be respectful, and abuse is not tolerated and the results of abuse towards staff such as their service may be cancelled.
    We have a service level agreement on our website for what customers to expect and not to expect, I try and be polite as possible and if I have the time go above our SLA. However I have had customers that did not check the SLA and made awkward demands, you have to stand firm sometimes as the margin for profit in this industry these days is not big.
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  • sometimes it better not to have bad client at all. I simply refund clients becasue no matter what you do they are never satisfied. Refuding is the only better optoin instead of wasting resources on cleint that will eventually leave you later after wasting your precious time.

