I have created a User form in React. In the validation section, I have a front-end validation test using Zod. But while that's happening, I want to check against the database if there are duplicate usernames, but I want it to run parallel to the Zod validation. When Zod validation is finished, I want to check if the fetch was complete and not continue further. If the fetch is still happening, what do I do?
I have created a User form in React. In the validation section, I have a front-end validation test using Zod. But while that's happening, I want to check against the database if there are duplicate usernames, but I want it to run parallel to the Zod validation. When Zod validation is finished, I want to check if the fetch was complete and not continue further. If the fetch is still happening, what do I do?
let zodSchema = z.object({
name: z.string().min(3).max(12),
email: z.string().email(),
password: z.string().min(6),
let initialValues = {
name: '',
email: '',
password: '',
function validateForm() {
const zodValidationTest = zodSchema.safeParse(formValues)
if (!zodValidationTest.success) {
let errors = zodValidationTest.error.formErrors.fieldErrors
// validation passed
async function doesUsernameExist() {
// check duplicate username ...
return true
return false