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Facebook Ads Facebook ads for my new e-commerce store


Hi all,

I want to drive more traffic to my e-commerce store and am considering Facebook Ads. Facebook data suggest I'll get 50+ ad clicks for something like $10 daily. If my conversion rate is 2%, am I right in assuming this will lead to sales and a potential ROI, or am I living in a dream world not understanding what Facebook means by ad clicks?

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  • Yes, you understand it correctly - but Facebook data is often very wrong, so take it with a pinch of salt.

    The best way to find out is to go live and test if you get 50 clicks/day.

    A/B tests on Facebook are always good, too, as you can split variants and test them against each other. So, instead of spending $10/day on one ad. Spend $5/day across two ad variants testing copy, graphics, CTA, etc, and see which performs best.

    You then have a winning ad set to put a whole $10/day into and know you'll achieve better results.
    Facebook’s algorithm targets people who do the action that you want. You need to figure out what an acceptable CAC is (customer acquisition cost) and see if Facebook ads can get that for you. The good news is you can run FB ads with a meager budget, so you don’t even need to risk a lot of money to test. I started spending $5/day.
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  • Yes, you are understanding it correctly - but Facebook data is often very wrong, so take it with a pinch of salt.

    The best way to find out is to go live and test if you get 50 clicks/day.

    A/B tests on Facebook are always good too, as you can split variants and test them against each other. So instead of spending £10/day on one ad. Spend $5/day across two ad variants testing copy, graphics, CTA, etc, and see which performs best.

    You then have a winning ad set which you can put a full $10/day into and know you'll achieve better results.
    I considered using A/B testing on the main image and messaging to see if I could refine the ad. I'm just a bit nervous about investing $10-20 daily unless it will bring in suitable sales.

