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looking for a good whitelabel VPS reseller



I am a web developer and web designer and I want to expand my services with web hosting and want to choose a managed whitelabel VPS reseller . 
There are hundreds of hosting companies and I do not see the forest through the trees anymore. 

What I'm not looking for: 
1. A reseller who wants to offer me a reseller package 
2. Slow websites 

What I'm looking for:
1. Provider that solves the problems and quickly, to prevent customers from leaving. 
2. Websites must be fast 
3. Websites may not be offline 
4. I want to offer hosting, domain name registration and VPS for my clients 
5. Managed VPS

If you also have a managed whitelabel VPS reseller and are you satisfied with the them, I would like to know the name.
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  • Are you looking for the offer like purchasing upfront resources and reselling it or on-demand resources and reselling it?
    Off the top of my head doesn't knownhost.com have a reseller program? That would pretty much meet your requirements especially point 5

    With point 4 (I want to offer hosting, domain name registration and VPS for my clients)

    There are plenty of reputable domain resellers out there resell.biz, opensrs.com, resellerclub.com and internetbs.net to name a few.
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  • Depending on the type of the server and the network, it may or may not be possible. For example, Digital Ocean names their systems as "Digital Ocean Droplet". So if you resell DO, your client would be able to figure out.

    Most providers would be happy to offer that to you. Just get in touch with them directly before you finalize.

