Would it matter if you buy hosting from the UK or New Zealand if you are located in the United States? Would you experience more server down time or site problems if your host is not located in your own country?
It only matters where your traffic is coming from. So for instance, if most of your traffic is in the UK or over seas, then you would want to get a host there rather than in the states.
However, if you have cloud based hosting, they are likely to have servers all over the world, so it won't really matter which company you choose to host with, so long as the servers are spread around.
Usually, if you use CloudFlare CDN you shouldn't be concerned about the speed, as this is a content delivery network, which caches your content across our global network, bringing it closer to visitors from every region. And some hosting providers include this CDN in their hosting plans, so you can easily benefit from it.
Yah, the location should be based on your average customer location. If your customer base is global, that's fine as well but a CDN such as CloudFlare is crucial. This will distribute your static content around the world and some even offer global anycast nameservers, which make dns queries even faster for customers who are even further away from your website. Of course you can load balance and distribute your dynamic content as well, but it's usually not worth it for smaller websites.
As previously mentioned, it only depends where your website visitors are located. Personally my website is hosted in Germany and most of my vistors are from the US, and it doesn't really cause problems for me. It depends on just where visitors are coming from.
I have done many different tests on this and it really doesn't matter. Regardless of the location of ISP, you should set preferred Country within Google Webmaster Tools.
It depends of your website visitors location, if your website main visitors are from US and your hosting server is at New Zealand, it somehow affect the buffing speed as it need to pass few country server to reach N.Z. Moreover, if you're using shared hosting, the other website traffic will affect yours as well.
The location of the server matters most in case of sharing the data. If there are less latency times or small delay times then the information will be shared fast. the location of the servers is important in web hosting as at the end it is speed which will play an important role in success of your website.
1. Yes, server location has an impact on page loading time. If your server location is close to the user , the website speed will be slightly better. ... It may or may not affect with different server locations Because server performance is key issue while selecting host provider.
Hosting your website at a server distant from your location may cost you less if you are hosting in countries like India or China. Lesser operation cost and larger market in these countries brings down the overall cost of hosting.
3. Affordability, but not compromising quality
One of the major advantages of getting hosting services from a remote country is its affordable cost. If you decide to outsource your corporate hosting, chances are, you will get to pay less or half the price for quality enterprise-level services. Ensure that your outsourced data center engages highly trained and proficient professionals to manage your websites and applications.
Yes , It Affects the speed
In 2010, Google included ‘site speed’ as a new signal in its search ranking algorithms, making it explicit that speed matters! Also, research concludes that customers cannot wait for more than 2-3 seconds for a website to load and are put off by long loading time.
Location Can Effect speed , it can impact on page loading . If Your Server Location is close to user ,then the speed will be slightly better. But it is more important that you make use of quality web hosting this can lead to load your website quickly