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web Hosting for Android applications



first introduce myself, I'm Damian and I'm new to the forum. 

I am developing an Android application that needs a mysql database, php and a multimedia file manager. Being my first application I do not want to throw myself into the pool with a high-cost hosting, I look for one that offers me a normal service, without many falls and that ultimately. I do not despair like 000webhost, can you advise me? 

Thank you!
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  • @"alvarez" I would not like to exceed $5 per month for the moment (I know I will not find any wonder for this price, but I want the right and necessary to see if everything goes well and then go up to better hosting)
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  • These tools are available on each hosting plan here so you can start with each one, as for the resources it really depends on the application itself, but nothing to worry about, Top web hosting sites like Siteground have monitoring system that checks the server 24/7 and if the resources on your plan are not enough, the system will notify you by reaching 80% of them and they will help you to upgrade to a higher plan

