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Getting connection failing & timing out error



I have a perplexing problem that I'm hoping someone will be kind enough to offer advice on. When I log in to my WordPress website and start to edit (e.g., post, page), my connection will time out after about 15-20 minutes (Secured Connection Failed, Connection Timed Out). I am then no longer able to access my site. The only way I can regain access on my PC is to change the IP address (reset the modem, VPN, etc...)

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.
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  • This sounds like a firewall problem, and I believe you have only reseller level access. Please contact your Webhosting provider with your IP address and ask them to check the logs to see why they are being blocked.
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  • lamarcos said:

    I have a perplexing problem that I'm hoping someone will be kind enough to offer advice on. When I log in to my WordPress website and start to edit (e.g., post, page), my connection will time out after about 15-20 minutes (Secured Connection Failed, Connection Timed Out). I am then no longer able to access my site. The only way I can regain access on my PC is to change the IP address (reset the modem, VPN, etc...)

    Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

    It seems your local IP is blocked in the server firewall. If you are using a static IP, ask your hosting provider to whitelist your IP so that It will not block in the future.

